Dynamite Guns is a version of the Astro Solutions game Dynamite,
where you don't place bombs on the gameboard, but throw the bombs
after the enemies. You can choose one of eleven levels and have
to eliminate all enemies. You can play with one or two players.
The first player uses the arrow keys and the second player the
keys s, y, x and c. If the first player presses shift while choosing
a direction, he shoots. Otherwise he walks. The second player
presses ALT and chooses a direction to shoot and walks, if ALT
isn't down.
Dynamite Guns is a JAVA game. The version in the main folder is
compatible to JAVA 1.1.8, MSJVM (JView) and JAVA 1.8 and uses a
deprecated JAVA API. You can find applet versions and versions,
which don't use a deprecated JAVA API, in the subfolders.